It's truly wonderful when a friendship blossoms into something more. Discovering that your friend has romantic feelings for you is a truly special thing. However, it can be challenging to recognize the signs that he sees you as more than just a friend.

1.Builds Communication

When a man frequently starts conversations, messages you, or reaches out to you through texts, it could mean he is thinking about you. Men tend to become more talkative when they feel a strong connection and attraction towards you. They enjoy having meaningful discussions and showing interest in your daily activities to get to know you better and build a deeper emotional bond.

2.Lowers his defense

If a guy starts opening up about his vulnerabilities and struggles to you, it could mean he sees you as more than a friend. When your love interest shares his problems with you, it shows he values your support and connection. Establishing good communication, bonding, and understanding early on can indicate a strong attraction and trust in the relationship.


3.Displays A Healthy Jealousy

A little jealousy can be a good thing in a relationship. It shows that a man cares about you and wants to protect you. If he shows some jealousy when you talk about other guys, it's a sign that he values you.

4.Observes Even The Small Things About You

When a man chooses to invest his emotions in you, he remembers every little thing about you. If he notices your fresh haircut, a shift in your mood, or an important occasion, it could mean that he sees you as more than just a friend. A guy who pays attention to the small changes in your life is trying to establish a stronger bond with you. It also demonstrates that he genuinely cares about your happiness and welfare.

5.Appreciates Your Presence

If a man wants to express his admiration for you, he will be precise when giving compliments. He might mention your appearance, personality, or the way you smile. Men will use various methods to captivate you, whether it's through their words or actions. Compliments and non-verbal gestures indicate a stronger level of attraction.

6.He Is Playful Around You

en often enjoy engaging in playful behavior with their potential partners. They may try to make you laugh, playfully touch your hair, tease you, flirt casually, or tell jokes to make you smile. If you notice these actions and his interest in spending time with you, it could mean that he likes you.

7.His Eyes Talk

The language of love is spoken through our eyes. Actions such as staring, gazing, and maintaining eye contact indicate that a man loves you. If you observe him staring at you whenever you're near, it means he is completely focused on you.

8.Changes His Body Language

Nonverbal cues can reveal much about a relationship's direction. Pay attention next time you're with your partner: is he close to you, facing you, making eye contact, and actively listening? If so, it's a sign he's interested in you.

9.He Goes The Extra Mile For You

Men will do whatever it takes to make their partners happy, even if it means sacrificing their own comfort. Bringing flowers, offering help without being asked, or giving a ride home are all signs of love and care. These little gestures show how much he cares, and a man will only go to such lengths if he is interested in you.

10.Takes An Interest In What You Like

Guys will pay attention to your preferences if they are trying to build a strong bond with you. By showing interest in your hobbies and interests, they are attempting to connect with you on a deeper level. Sharing their own interests is another way for them to let you get to know them better.

11.Acts A Little Lost In Your Presence

Initially, a man's nervous and introverted behavior does not necessarily mean he lacks confidence. It could actually mean that he has feelings for you but is not yet ready to admit it. Just give him some time to process his emotions while you appreciate his awkwardness around you.

12.His Texting Habits

 he responds to your messages right away and sends thoughtful messages, it shows that he is interested in you. He may also give you compliments and avoid sending dry and unengaging replies.

13.Keeps you updated 

Men who are interested in you romantically will keep you updated on their day, send you photos, ask about your day, and send sweet messages. These are the little signs of affection that men display when they have feelings for someone.

14.Initiates “The Talk”

If he starts a conversation about your relationship and expresses how you impact his life or inspire him to be better, it's a clear sign that he likes you. Pay attention to these hints to determine if he's interested in you or not.

15.Prioritizes His Time With You

A man is interested in you, he will prioritize spending time with you. He will choose to be with you one-on-one instead of in a group. If he offers to help you with errands or takes you out, it shows he wants to spend time together.

16.Recognizes your hard work.

Spending time and energy shows that you enjoy someone's company. Men value the effort you put into nurturing your relationship with them. When your actions touch his heart and he appreciates your efforts, a bond can form. Recognizing each other's worth and expressing gratitude is crucial in any relationship.

17.Wants To Know Your Story And Future Plans

If he asks about your past, relationships, and future plans, he's probably interested in you. Men often inquire about your history to understand your future goals, giving them an opportunity to make a move.

18.Introduces You To His Inner Circle

his close friends and family are aware of you, it's a strong indication that a relationship is on the horizon. Men typically introduce someone special only when they are serious. Meeting his inner circle means he wants you to bond with the important people in his life - his best friends and immediate family. If his friends or siblings tease you, it's a good sign that he's smitten with you.

19.Changes His Talking Style

How he talks to you compared to others can reveal his feelings towards you. Men often adjust their communication style when around their partner, showing more attention, kindness, and less harshness. If you notice these changes, it's likely he's not ready to give up on the relationship.

20.Shows Protectiveness

If a man asks you to text him when you get home safely, drives you home, or gets upset over something that hurt you, he might have feelings for you. Men often want to keep their loved ones safe, especially when there's a potential danger. If a guy is extra caring and protective towards you, it could mean he loves and cares about you.

21.Trusts You Blindly

Men often share their secrets and past openly when they like someone. Remembering you during tough times is a sign of trust and possibly love.

22.Finds Every Conversations With You Interesting

When a guy is in love with you, he will always lend an ear to your conversation, no matter how silly it may be. However, it's important to remember that listening doesn't always mean being respectful towards what you say. Instead, he might just want to hear more from you because he's interested in you.

23.He Is There For You

Men will demonstrate an additional eagerness to be by your side during your most difficult times and reassure you of their love and support when they have feelings for you. If he makes you feel safe and respects your personal space, then he is the right person for you. This shows his caring nature and genuine concern for you, indicating that he is in love with you.

10 signs that your partner don't love you 

If you're in a similar situation and unsure if your partner still loves you, here are nine signs to help you determine if they're still as interested in you as they were in the beginning of your relationship. Take a look at them.

1.It seems like both of you don't have any new topics to discuss.

your partner isn't interested in your life and you don't have any common interests to talk about, it probably means you don't enjoy each other's company. This is not a good sign for your relationship.

2. Your significant other's thoughts are constantly elsewhere.

If your significant other appears to be preoccupied or distracted during your time together, it may suggest that they are not fully present in the conversation.

3.You are not included in his/her future plans anymore.

If your partner starts avoiding you or leaving you out of their plans, it might mean that they are not enjoying your company anymore. They could be tired of you or feel uneasy about introducing you to their friends and colleagues. If this is happening in your relationship, it's important to talk to your partner as soon as possible.

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1.You Are The One Who Always Takes The Initiative

Are you the one constantly organizing dates and other activities? If so, consider your partner's actions carefully. If they are truly busy, communicate with them and express your need for their involvement in planning and appreciate when they take the lead. But if your partner has ample free time yet shows no interest in making plans with you, it may be a sign.

2.You Are Not A Priority To Them

You are at the bottom of their priority list, or worse, not even on it. Despite always being available for them, they take advantage of your kindness. A person who truly loves you would never treat you this way and would always consider your feelings before making decisions, no matter how insignificant.

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Here are nine signs that your partner's love for you is unwavering.

1.He takes great care

He ensures your happiness daily. He listens to your work stories, gives you neck rubs when needed, and cooks for you when you're tired. Taking care of you is a top priority for him, and he excels in that aspect.

2. He really wants to spend a lot of time with you.

 He messages you every day to see if you're up for a relaxing evening together, maybe watching Netflix (just kidding). But it's clear that you mean a lot to him because, let's face it, men can be pretty good at ignoring us most of the time.

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What to Do When He Pulls Away


making advances. When he's the one moving towards you, it creates feelings of safety and security for both of you. It's a mutually beneficial dynamic.

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How Trauma Affects Relationships

1. Subjugation (people-pleasing)

What is a submissive personality?

A submissive personality is someone who puts their partner's needs above their own. A submissive personality is also known as a "people-pleaser." A submissive person is someone who will do anything to keep their partner's peace. A submissive person will often apologize to their partner after a disagreement, even if it is not their fault.

A submissive person tries to make their partner's life better by adding value to it. They want their partner to love them and 

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3 Reasons Strong Women Attract Difficult Relationships

If you’re like a lot of my client’s strong women, you’re probably wondering, “Why am I in a relationship that’s not working out for me?”

1. Strong Women are Strong Healers

Strong women know what to say and do. They know when to say it and when to do it. They know what to do when they say it and when they do it.

2. It’s a Challenge

And what strong woman wouldn’t like a good challenge? I’ve never met a strong woman who wouldn’t relish the chance to take on a challenge.

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9 signs he cares about you but doesn't love you 

Are you surprised that a man can care about you without wanting anything more? There could be various reasons for this.

1. He Expresses Kindness Towards You

2. He Texts And Calls You

3. He’s Protective Of You

4. He Remembers Details

5. He Listens To You

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6 Reasons your husband keeps hurting you Emotionally

It's devastating when your husband not only hurts you emotionally but continues to do so without any regard for your feelings.Despite his vows to love and care for you, he has transformed into someone unrecognizable.

1. He Is Not Aware That He Is Hurting You

2. He Doesn’t Respect You

3. He Is Unhappy

4. He Has Low Self-Esteem

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How To Tell If A Man Is Attracted To You But Hiding It

1. His body language shows you what he’s not telling you

2. He touches you “by accident”.

3. He teases you.

4. He dresses to impress you

5. He always offers to help you

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How to find emotional support in relationships

Finding emotional support in relationships is essential for fostering happiness, resilience, and overall well-being. Here are several strategies to help individuals seek and cultivate emotional support within their relationships:

1. Open Communication:

 Establishing open and honest communication is key to finding emotional support in relationships. Expressing one's feelings, needs, and concerns allows partners to understand each other better and provide the necessary support.

2. Build Trust: 

Trust forms the foundation of emotional support in relationships.Creating a safe and non-judgmental environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing their innermost thoughts and vulnerabilities fosters trust and strengthens the bond between partners.

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How to be a supportive partner 

 On the other hand, feminine partners may need to embrace their femininity and communicate their needs effectively. By putting in some effort, both energies can find ways to support each other harmoniously.

1. Shift your perspective

When stress starts to dominate our connection with our partners, it may cause tension and distance. If this continues, it could result in a distant relationship lacking love, passion, and joy. Those who excel in relationships and life are able to view problems as chances for growth. By seeing stress as a way to enhance our bond and personal development, we can become even closer and feel more united as a team.

2. Understand when it’s time to step in

Being a supportive partner often involves recognizing when it's necessary for you to step in and give your partner some breathing room. For instance, if your loved one is caught up in a hectic event or busy completing tasks, you can lend a hand and share the load.

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